Visceral therapy - regulation of blood supply in organs and “old” stagnations disappear. The mobility of internal organs is restored, spasms are removed. The intestine is released and stop pressing on the small pelvis organs.
Perinatal psychology – helps in finding the answer and in understanding many internal questions. The relaxation of the mental body always brings the physical body into balance.
Osteopathy/metavitonics – building the most correct position of the human body in space, due to which the axis of the pelvis are set in the right directions. Particular emphasis on eliminating the so-called somatic dysfunctions using osteopathic manipulations that interfere with fertilization.
Acupuncture - soft regulation of hormonal balance. Awaking of life energy CHI.
Hirudotherapy - improvement of rheological properties of blood. Updated and less viscous blood improves many times the work of all organs and systems.
Tibetan medicine (phytotherapy) and Nutraceuticals
Bringing in the balance of the body at the expense of only individually selected herbal medicines and food. Proper nutrition, saturated with trace elements, plays a crucial role in the normal functioning of the body. For a woman planning a pregnancy, knowledge of how to eat properly before pregnancy and throughout the period is as important as possible. Regulation of the diet to maintain a normal level of acid-base balance, selection of vitamins based on genetic parameters, diet recommendations before and during pregnancy are the basic parameters of consultations of our specialists.Float therapy
It drastically reduces the level of anxiety and stress (cortisol and adrenaline) and actively forms a state of harmony and causeless joy due to the hormone of the “happiness” endorphins output. Magnesium sulfate relaxes the skeletal muscles and muscles of the internal organs, which gives a free flow of blood and lymph in the body.Establish interactions of metabolic, reflex, psychological, neurophysiological and biochemical processes, which helps to restore the balance of the hormonal system.
Body-oriented therapy
Our body is conscious and carries all the information about the life we lived, about all mental trauma. Any chronic muscular tension-clamps in the form of a shell-performs the same function as psychological traits. In fact, muscle tension hides a certain kind of emotion, and if you remove the "clamps", relaxing areas of chronic tension, these emotions are released. After this, if they have been sufficiently thrown out, comes the deliverance from mental disorders. But also when removing the suppressed emotional manifestations clamps are disappeared too.Various methods are used in the practice of body-oriented therapy. It can be specialized massages and other specific techniques. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that any of them is aimed not only at relaxing the clamps but more on the awareness of the body and emotional response. This is what leads to a cure. It also remains an indisputable fact necessary alternation of body and analysis work. The bodywork done is accompanied by awareness and psychological changes associated with it.
We define the nature of the problem and choose an individual set of method for dealing problems.
It is very important for us to study and interact with both the internal dimension (subjective sensations, physical and mental state) and external (objective parameters, specific measurable indicators, diagnoses).
It is a common mistake to think that the problem of conception can only be a woman. In fact, we often find out that the main decision lies in man or the couple’s relationship.
On the first appointment, you need to bring:
- The results of all analysis and studies over the past 2 years (have a value of any analysis, such as analysis of blood, urine, MRI, hormonal tests, etc.)
- Ultrasound of the small pelvis organs
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for a period of not MORE than 2 weeks.
- After extensive consultation, a doctor suggests You fill out an integrated card. This card gives you an opportunity to increase understanding of your physical and mental condition and how are you feeling at this moment.
- Then the head physician will run a visceral diagnostic. And identify some problematic and stagnation zones, muscle spasms and appressed condition of organs.Most likely, already at the first consultation, you’ll get answers to the questions that bother you.
- Based on diagnosis, we create an individual treatment plan, which specifically respond to your requests and histories.
We use only a set of the most effective methods:
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